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At Tortuga Surf School we organize surfing courses and lessons that suit all levels and ages.

Read below to learn about all our services and jump in the water with us!

lezione di surf



First surfing lessons and approach to the discipline.


The lesson begins on land with a comprehensive explanation and introduction to wave surfing; we will see the parts of the board and their functions, paddling movements, the "take off" or "pop up," how to read the sea and the rules of the "surfing code" to be maintained in the sea to surf while having fun in maximum safety.
This is followed by the practical lesson in the sea, in the foams or on small waves, always accompanied by an instructor who will follow you wave by wave.
Lessons can be individual or group.


We will use soft top boards from 8 feet and up.

Image by Mike Yukhtenko


  • Know the basics of wave surfing

  • How to choose a wave

  • Paddling a wave by yourself

  • Correct take-off

  • Ride a wave and go straight

  • Returning to the peak safely by following the "surf code"




You already know how to paddle a wave yourself and make the correct take off but would like to learn how to make the first turns to surf the "wave wall."


The lesson begins on land with an in-depth explanation on reading the sea and waves; then the instructor will explain how to make frontside and backside turns to "cut" the wave, start making maneuvers such as the "bottom turn" and "top turn."
This is followed by a lesson in the sea flanked by an instructor who will follow you closely on each wave, correcting movements where necessary.
Lessons may be individual or group.


We will use soft top or resin boards between 7 and 8 feet.

Image by Mike Yukhtenko


  • Fully know the rules of precedence

  • Know and be able to identify yourself whether a wave is "right" or "left"

  • Surfing the "green" part of the wave

  • Maneuvers such as the "bottom turn" and "top turn"

*Integration of a video analysis of the lesson is also possible.

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You are able to go into the sea in all kinds of conditions but would like to improve your performance by learning more advanced maneuvers.


The lesson starts on land, with the help of video and blackboard we understand what you need to improve, understanding the line on the wave to hold and studying well the sea condition during that day.

The instructor will explain the movements and rotations that will allow you to make a correct turn.

We will start talking about "top turn" maneuvers such as cutback, snap, off the lip, floater, etc., both frontside and backside.

This will be followed by an in-sea lesson joined by an ISA L2 (International Surfing Association) certified instructor.

Image by Mike Yukhtenko


  • Improve maneuvers already learned

  • Perform at least one maneuver on the wave

  • Duck dive

  • Generate speed (up and down)

*Integration of a video analysis of the lesson is also possible.

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A unique opportunity to learn to love the world of surfing and water sports and be in touch with nature and the beauty of our sea.

We organize overnight and full board camps or day camps, both with lots of water and non-water activities.

The initiative is aimed at children/young people from 6 to 15 years old, with a great desire to have fun and make new friends by practicing sports!



You can choose the board that's right for you with the advice of our instructors!

We have surfboards of different sizes (6, 7, 8, 9 feet). Longboard, malibu, shortboard or softop to ensure the safety of even the less experienced.


Rental also extends to windsurfing, SUP, wing and hydrofoil



Have you damaged your board? @bullsurfboardrepair will be happy to fix it! Click here to see the work and equipment.

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